Saturday, November 20, 2010

Unsolved mysteries of the Universe since the Big Bang

Why did Galileo invent the first telescope capable of being used for astronomy even after the first general telescope invention by Hans Lippershy?
Why did US send man to moon after the Russia had sent one?
All these happened due to the enthusiasm of man to know what's happening actually in the space around him.
With the same enthusiasm , even I created this blog.Want  to work on some astronomy mysteries, which have been missing facts...since their evolution. Hopefully, by the end of this research I will solve 1 or 2 of these mysteries ...... and I dedicate this article to my friend N.S.Anusha , who insisted me to work on this topic.  :D

1. Dark Matter !!!!!! ????

.......... Do you know that the solid matter is just 0.4 % of the total matter in this universe? Amazed , right? But yeah , this is true and the remaining is dark matter and dark space , which is just dark. Why all our knowledge related to this dark matter is so dark?? Why are we unable to find what this dark matter actually is?? Whats hiding this dark matter in dark ??
Let me go forward by stating some previous attempts on answering these dark questions.
Pictorial representation of distribution of dark matter in the Universe.
People, in the beginning uttered that dark matter is just due to lack of gravity , which is supposed to hold this universe together. But is it fair to just give a line which had all the senses but no guarantee, when it comes to the case of solving a mystery? Nope ... so let us go further. Then they tried to attempt some electromagnetic methods on this but nothing worked as there is no effect of radiation on this dark matter, may be because that dark matter emits no radiation.And when they went through  the properties of dark matter , it corresponded to no other atom or particle's matter. Now the most popular theory that crept into the discussions is that there may be a large scale repulsive force, which is a result of waves of energy, formed due to annihilation  of matter and anti matter. Whatever, all these discussions till date are just assumptions and the dark matter is still left in dark only :(

2.  What causes a Type Ia supernova??????????

......No one knows what causes a Type Ia supernova but working on this since ages , a progenitor has been proposed , i.e, the "Close binary star system" model in which the bigger of the 2 stars becomes a Red giant and then becoming a white dwarf and then the other star going through the same stages of becoming a red giant and then a white dwarf and Astronomers say that the collision of these 2 white dwarfs lead to the type Ia supernova but this is just a theoretical model and I repeat, theoretical model. So yet to watch the causes practically and Astronomers are awaiting for an other Supernova explosion to occur or at-least for such kind of Binary system  :)

3 . Future of the Universe

Whats gonna happen to the Universe in the coming years? Is it going to shrink or expand or is it going to a condition of permanent deep freeze or what?
Let me tell you one thing about the starting itself. We cant predict anything about the fate of the Universe because no body knows what new kind of forces are gonna take birth in the process and how they deviate the process from the expected one but still, let us give it a try, considering all the probabilities .

The first of the predictions till date is the BIG FREEZE condition, according to which the Universe may expand expand and expand, resulting in the total cooling of the atmosphere and then an absolute zero temperature.
And the second one in this context is HEAT DEATH, meaning the Universe may come to a state of even temperature, resulting in no variations in temperature, which is the basic essential condition for the existence of life.
The next one is BIG RIP condition, in which the force associated with dark energy is suspected to rip away all the material forms in this Universe, leaving just a singularity.
And the other one is BIG CRUNCH , in which the whole Universe is predicted to collapse into a black hole singularity, rather than the normal process of expanding.
A bit more concrete prediction is that of the BIG BOUNCE which is likely to happen, according to which after the Big Crunch, the Universe again undergoes the Big Bang process ,due to the repulsive forces generated, resulting in creation of the  new Universe.

4. Baryon asymmetry

..........Baryon asymmetry is nothing but an imbalance in the amount of matter and anti matter in the Universe. Matter and anti matter would have been produced in equal amounts during the Big Bang and annihilation would have happened , canceling both matter and anti matter and left us with no matter. But now we have only matter and no anti matter as far as our knowledge is considered. This absence of anti matter and presence of matter are together put into a single case and lots many studies have been done till date.

Some say that after the Big Bang, a different set of forces acted on matter and anti matter and that led to the destruction of anti matter and thus the matter is left in the Universe. But no one stated what the different set of forces actually are!
Another argument was that it's a case of CP-symmetry violation, which resulted in non uniform production of matter and anti matter during the Big Bang, itself.
The third one, people spoke about was the distribution of matter and antimatter in the Universe, which means that there is antimatter somewhere out of our Visible Universe. But we cant leave science just to air.
And the last one is a hope of finding gamma ray emission in the universe, which means a boundary between matter-dominated universe and anti matter-dominated universe.
One interesting thing to know about is this mystery is supplied as a probable explanation of  why the observed energy of satellites flying by earth different by a minute amount from the value predicted by theory.
However, as of yet, no theoretical consensus has been reached regarding this and again we are left with another unsolved mystery of the Universe :(

5.What causes the jet to turn on again once the wind dies down in a special type of black holes?????

Black hole emitting the hi speed jets
Um.....Recent observations by Chandra X ray Observatory revealed that the high speed jets inside some special type of black holes are been put off by the wind in the black hole, This is observed by the hot wind X rays hitting the accretion disk around these black holes. But Immediately after the wind shuts down , the jet re-emerges.
Now the mystery left about is what makes the jets to re-emerge once the wind dies down.

6.Formation of Galaxies ??

As we know Galaxies vary in their shape from round to pan cake . Have you ever wondered what made those galaxies, their system, their shape and everything? Even if you never wondered, now wonder because its really a wonder that you never wondered about that ;)
Anyways coming to the theories involved, people simply say that Galaxies were the outcome of swirling dust and gas immediately aftermath Big bang.Leonard Searle and Robert Zinn first proposed that Galaxies do form by the coalescence of  progenitors.
One more theory states that galaxies form out of dark matter clusters and gas.Dark matter remains at the outer edges and the remaining gas gets contracted and  keeps swirling and thus discs are formed round galaxies.The need to find an answer to this question is a hope of relating the present galaxy with the Early universe's galaxy with the help of some theoretical simulations.